Spring Schedules, Fees, Etc.
By Callahan Smith
Spring cleaning Mar 29 - Apr 19, and annual passes now on sale.
Show Your Deep Eddy Love
By Shelley Hardeman
Deep Eddy Volunteer Day is Saturday, March 1st. Please sign up and come!
Brainstorming About Deep Eddy’s Future
By Paul Bardagjy
The Friends of Deep Eddy met to brainstorm about how our pool and park should be improved in the future.
Deep Eddy’s Retro Graphics
By Rob Miller
The design that helped fund the bathhouse lives on.
In Memory of Sarah Foster
On August 1 the Deep Eddy community lost our good friend, Sarah Foster.
Summer is Circle-Swimming Time
By Tom Fornoff
With the crowds of summer, circle swimming is the way we can all enjoy doing laps at Deep Eddy.
Code of Conduct
From the FODE Board and Directors
FODE members created and adopted a Code of Conduct as a guideline for inclusive and civil use of the unique Deep Eddy pool.
2024 Annual Friends’ Meeting
By Blake Tollett, FODE Secretary
The annual meeting of the Friends of Deep Eddy organization was held on May 7, 2024.
Grateful That Eddy Is Better Than Ever
By Paul Bardagjy, FODE President
Thanks to replacement of the bulkhead wall, repaired pumps and a full staff, Deep Eddy is having a great year.
My First 10K Swim
By Barak Benaryeh
A Deep Eddy regular recently swam his first 10 kilometer open water swim race. Read about his challenging and rewarding experience.
The 2024 Renovation
By Edward Balauger
The wall separating the shallow and deep ends of Deep Eddy was replaced in early 2024 and new LED lighting was installed.
Love Letter to Deep Eddy
By Brenda Bell
My love letter to Deep Eddy is written on the pictures on my phone. My favorite times are when people abandon the pool. Yet all the pictures look pretty much the same -- peaceful lap lanes stretching toward the river, maybe one or two solitary swimmers. Right here in the middle of a city of a million people. Those days it feels like my own private pool.
(My) Rules for Swimming
By Tom Fornoff
One of the great joys of Austin is swimming in a non-chlorinated 70-degree lap pool 12 months of the year. For those not fully indoctrinated, I offer the following tips for getting the most out of Deep Eddy that I’ve learned across two decades of patronage.
Welcome to Swimmer Stories
We’ve created this section as a place where Deep Eddy patrons can share their stories, memories, ideas and tips with each other.
Annual meeting minutes
From Blake Tollett, FODE Secretary
The annual meeting of Friends of Deep Eddy was held June 9, 2023.